Jinsol International Patent & Law Offices("Jinsol") has extensive experience and expertise
in the representative of intellectual property("IP") dispute and litigation, legal opinion regarding IP
infringement, patent and utility model application, and trademark and design application in the area of
mechanics, electronics, computer program, internet business model, and information technology.
Patent attorneys at Jinsol received mechanics, electronics, and chemestry degree, and are fluent
in Korean, English and Japanese, and have wide experience and techical expertise in the area of
intellectual property right to effectively assist client from America, Europa, the Pacific Rim,
and other foreign countries.
Jinsol provides the following visions to foreign clients:
Jinsol provides foreign clients with second-to-none service in korea based on extensive
experience in the representative of patent infingement opinion, dispute and litigation
in many years, and on intra education system for patent attorneys and paralegals. |
Jinsol provides the most speedy ip service to foreign clients. |
Jinsol is ethical expert who is sincerely towards clients, and so provides confidential ip service |
Jinsol provides excellent quality ip service at cost effective price using accumulated know-how and intra-database. |